Australia vs PepsiCo, Inc., June 2024, Full Federal Court, Case No [2024] FCAFC 86

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At issue was the “royalty-free” use of intangible assets under an agreement whereby PepsiCo’s Singapore affiliate sold concentrate to Schweppes Australia, which then bottled and sold PepsiCo soft drinks for the Australian market. As no royalties were paid under the agreement, no withholding tax was paid in Australia.

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) determined that the payments for “concentrate” from Schweppes to PepsiCo had been misclassified and were in part royalty for the use of PepsiCo’s intangibles (trademarks, branding etc.), and an assessment was issued for FY2018 and FY2019 where withholding tax was determined on that basis. The assessment was issued under the Australian diverted profits tax provisions.

The assessment was appealed to the Federal Court, which in November 2023 found in favour of the tax authorities.

PepsiCo then appealed to the Full Federal Court.


In a split decision, the Full Federal Court overturned the decision of the Federal Court and found in favour of PepsiCo.


“In summary, we conclude that the payments made by the Bottler to the Seller were for concentrate alone and did not include any component which was a royalty for the use of PepsiCo/SVC’s intellectual property. The payments were in no part made in ‘consideration for’ the use of that intellectual property and they did not therefore include a ‘royalty’ within the definition of that term in s 6(1) of the ITAA 1936. Further, the payments were received by the Seller on its own account and they cannot be said to have been paid to PepsiCo/SVC. The Commissioner’s attempts to bring PepsiCo/SVC to tax under s 128B(2B) therefore fails for two interrelated reasons: there was no ‘royalty’ as required by s 128B(2B)(b) and the payments made to the Seller by the Bottler cannot constitute ‘income derived’ by PepsiCo/SVC within the meaning of s 128(2B)(a).”

“PepsiCo/SVC’s appeals in the royalty withholding tax proceedings should be allowed, the orders made by the trial judge set aside and in lieu thereof there should be orders setting aside the notices of assessment for royalty withholding tax. The Commissioner’s appeals in the Part IVA proceedings should be dismissed. PepsiCo/SVC should have their costs in both sets of appeals as taxed, assessed or otherwise agreed. The parties should bring in a minute of order giving effect to these conclusions within 14 days.”


The ATO has later applied for special leave to appeal to the High Court of Australia in respect of the above decision.

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