Tag: Reduction in costs

OECD COVID-19 TPG paragraph 49

Further, it should be noted that certain operating costs may not be viewed as exceptional or non- recurring in circumstances where the costs relate to long-term or permanent changes in the manner in which businesses operate. For example, certain costs relating to teleworking arrangements may become permanent if working from home became more common as a result of the pandemic. Consequently, if the expense is viewed as neither being exceptional nor non-recurring and reflects more common means of doing business, then it should be treated as such when delineating the transaction to which the costs pertain and in undertaking the comparability analysis. Furthermore, it should also be noted that for certain businesses the COVID-19 pandemic has led to reduction in or elimination of certain costs that were typically incurred prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. These will differ depending on the underlying facts and circumstances, but might include expenses on rent, the day-to-day running expenses of a physical office, and travel ... Read more