TPG2022 Chapter IV paragraph 4.148

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Each tax administration involved in the APA will naturally wish to monitor compliance with the APA by the taxpayers in its jurisdiction, and this is generally done in two ways. First, it may require a taxpayer that has entered into an APA to file annual reports demonstrating the extent of its compliance with the terms and conditions of the APA and that critical assumptions remain relevant. Second, the tax administration may continue to examine the taxpayer as part of the regular audit cycle but without re- evaluating the methodology. Instead, the tax administration may limit the examination of the transfer pricing to verifying the initial data relevant to the APA proposal and determining whether or not the taxpayer has complied with the terms and conditions of the APA. With regard to transfer pricing, a tax administration may also examine the reliability and accuracy of the representations in the APA and annual reports and the accuracy and consistency of how the particular methodology has been applied. All other issues not associated with the APA fall under regular audit jurisdiction.

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